Prevalence and Impact of Hepatitis on the
Quality of Life of Patients
Prithpal Singh Matreja, Prithpal S Matreja, HK Rao, PML Khanna
Citation Information :
Matreja PS, S Matreja P, Rao H, Khanna P. Prevalence and Impact of Hepatitis on the Quality of Life of Patients. Euroasian J Hepatogastroenterol 2015; 5 (2):90-94.
Background: Hepatitis is a disorder which is emerging as major health problem with increasing morbidity
and mortality. Inappropriate management of this disease leads to several complications that can impair
the health related quality of life (HRQoL) of the individuals. There, we designed this study to assess
the HRQoL in patients suffering from hepatitis.
Materials and methods: This prospective, observational study was conducted for 2 months in patients
with hepatitis. All patients with hepatitis were recruited in the study after giving written informed consent.
The participants were given both World Health Organization Quality of Life-Bref (WHO QoL-Bref) and
short form (SF-36) health survey questionnaires for assessing the quality of life (QoL) of patients.
The participants were given counseling of lifestyle modification and underwent a thorough medical
examination and a detailed history was taken.
Results: A total of 65 volunteers participated in the study, out of which 30 were control and 35 were
patients suffering from hepatitis; hepatitis C was found to be more prevalent. The patients with hepatitis
had a significantly poor QoL as compared to control. In hepatitis patients, physical health and physical
functioning was better in males as compared to females. Social relationships were also good in males
than females. But females had higher score in role limitation due to physical health, emotional wellbeing,
social functioning, pain, general health as per SF-36 scores but it was not statistically significant.
Conclusion: Hepatitis affected the HRQoL in Indian population and parameters seem to be
heterogeneously affected in males and females.
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