Does Chicago Classification address Symptom Correlation with High-resolution Esophageal Manometry?
Melpakkam Srinivas, Piyush Bawane
Citation Information :
Srinivas M, Bawane P. Does Chicago Classification address Symptom Correlation with High-resolution Esophageal Manometry?. Euroasian J Hepatogastroenterol 2017; 7 (2):122-125.
To assess the correlation of symptoms with findings on esophageal high-resolution manometry (HRM) in Indian patients.
Materials and methods
Prospective data collection of all patients undergoing esophageal manometry was done at two centers in India—Indore and Chennai—over a period of 18 months. Symptom profile of the study group was divided into four: Motor dysphagia, noncardiac chest pain (NCCP), gastroesophageal reflux (GER), and esophageal belchers. The symptoms were correlated with manometric findings.
Of the study group (154), 35.71% patients had a normal study, while major and minor peristaltic disorders were noted in 31.16 and 33.76% respectively. In patients with symptoms of dysphagia, achalasia cardia was the commonest cause (45.1%), followed by ineffective esophageal motility (IEM) (22.53%) and normal study (19.71%). In patients with NCCP, normal peristalsis (50%) and ineffective motility (31.25%) formed the major diagnosis. Of the 56 patients with GER symptoms, 26 (46.4%) had normal manometry. An equal number had ineffective motility. Of the 11 esophageal belchers, 7 (63.6%) of these had a normal study and 3 had major motility disorder. Dysphagia was the only symptom to have a high likelihood ratio and positive predictive value to pick up major motility disorder.
Dysphagia correlates with high chance to pick up a major peristaltic abnormality in motor dysphagia. The role of manometry in other symptoms in Indian setting needs to be ascertained by larger studies.
Clinical significance
The present study highlights lack of symptom correlation with manometry findings in Indian patients.
How to cite this article
Jain M, Srinivas M, Bawane P, Venkataraman J. Does Chicago Classification address Symptom Correlation with High-resolution Esophageal Manometry? Euroasian J Hepato-Gastroenterol 2017;7(2):122-125.
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