Euroasian journal of hepato-gastroenterology

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VOLUME 6 , ISSUE 2 ( July-December, 2016 ) > List of Articles


Study of Clinicopathological Profile of Sporadic Cases of Colorectal Cancer

Madhusudan Saha, Bimal C Shil, Shasanka K Saha, Ranjit K Banik

Citation Information : Saha M, C Shil B, K Saha S, K Banik R. Study of Clinicopathological Profile of Sporadic Cases of Colorectal Cancer. Euroasian J Hepatogastroenterol 2016; 6 (2):134-136.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10018-1185

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 01-05-2010

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2016; The Author(s).


Objectives: Colorectal cancer (CRC) is the third leading cause of cancer-related deaths in the world. This study was carried out to see the epidemiological and clinicopathological profile of sporadic cases of CRC in Bangladesh. Materials and methods: The patients diagnosed to have colorectal carcinoma in two private medical centers of Bangladesh from January 2012 to December 2014 were enrolled in this study. Demographic data, clinical presentations, site of lesions, and histological types were analyzed. Results: Total 158 patients were included in this study. The mean age was 50.77 years and male to female ratio was 1.55:1. Rectal bleeding was the commonest symptom irrespective of age and sex followed by abdominal pain (33, 20.9%), weight loss (29, 18.3%), abdominal mass (26, 16.4%), and altered bowel habit (22, 13.9%). Common histological type was adenocarcinoma (156, 98.7%). Conclusion: Colorectal cancer commonly affects males >40 years of age. Most common site of involvement is rectum, which is followed by left colon.

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