Viral Hepatitis in Pakistan: Past, Present, and Future
Amna Subhan Butt, Fatima Sharif
Citation Information :
Subhan Butt A, Sharif F. Viral Hepatitis in Pakistan: Past, Present, and Future. Euroasian J Hepatogastroenterol 2016; 6 (1):70-81.
Viral hepatitis is a major cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide and a rising cause for concern in
Asian countries. Weather it is blood borne or water/food borne hepatotropic virus, increasing burden is
alarming for Asian countries. In this review we have evaluated the existing data to estimate the burden
of viral hepatitis in populations of all age groups nationwide, along with an assessment of the risk factors
and preventive and management strategies currently employed in Pakistan. The aim of our work is to
consolidate and supplement the present knowledge regarding viral hepatitis in light of past and present
trends and to provide future direction to the existing health policies.
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