VOLUME 4 , ISSUE 2 ( July-December, 2014 ) > List of Articles
Ali Onder Karaoglu, Serkan Borazan, Adil Coşkun, İrfan Yavaşoğlu, Yavuz Yeniçerioğlu, İbrahim Meteoğlu, Mehmet Hadi Yaşa
Citation Information : Onder Karaoglu A, Borazan S, Coşkun A, Yavaşoğlu İ, Yeniçerioğlu Y, Meteoğlu İ, Hadi Yaşa M. Primary Amyloidosis with Gastric Involvement. Euroasian J Hepatogastroenterol 2014; 4 (2):107-109.
DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10018-1113
License: CC BY-NC 4.0
Published Online: 01-07-2013
Copyright Statement: Copyright © 2014; The Author(s).
Amyloidosis can involve all the segments of the gastrointestinal system (GIS) from mouth to anal canal. We present a case of amyloidosis that is detected by gastric biopsy taken in esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) performed to investigate the etiology of weight loss, nausea and vomiting. It is worth emphasizing that random gastric biopsy is important in gastric evaluations.