Lymphangioma of the Spleen—A Rare Tumor Rarely seen
in an Adult: A Case Report and a Comprehensive
Literature Review
Basil George Verghese, Sanjana Kalvehalli Kashinath, R Ravi Kanth
Citation Information :
George Verghese B, Kalvehalli Kashinath S, Kanth RR. Lymphangioma of the Spleen—A Rare Tumor Rarely seen in an Adult: A Case Report and a Comprehensive Literature Review. Euroasian J Hepatogastroenterol 2013; 3 (1):64-69.
Lymphangioma of the spleen, a cystic, benign and slow growing
tumor, is rarely seen in children and in adults and usually found
only incidentally. We would like to report a case of a splenic
lymphangioma in a 33-year-old female that presented to our
hospital. To our knowledge this is the first case of its kind being
reported from the Indian subcontinent in over 35 years. The
previous case was reported in 1974 by Devi et al. In addition to
this, our case is also unique because of the age of the patient
and the size of the lymphangioma being one of the largest
reported so far. This case report will be followed with a detailed
literature review of splenic lymphangioma and its management.
Abbreviations: Hb: Hemoglobin; ESR: Erythrocyte sedimentation
rate; APTT: Activated partial thromboplastin time; GI:
Gastrointestinal; CT: Computerized tomography; MRI: Magnetic
resonance imaging.
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