Subacute Hepatic Failure: Its Possible Pathogenesis
Santosh Man Shrestha, Shobhana Shrestha
Citation Information :
Man Shrestha S, Shrestha S. Subacute Hepatic Failure: Its Possible Pathogenesis. Euroasian J Hepatogastroenterol 2012; 2 (1):41-46.
Background: Subacute hepatic failure (SAHF) is a complication
of acute hepatitis (AH) characterized by progressive jaundice
and development of ascites within 24 weeks of the onset of
icterus. Its pathogenesis is unknown and its treatment is
unsatisfactory. This study highlights on the possible
pathogenesis of the disease.
Materials and methods: Thirty-two with SAHF among 798
patients of AH who had tests for markers of acute hepatitis A,
B, C and E had blood and ascitic fluid study and ultrasonogram
(US) of liver. US and risk factors for infection were compared
with consecutive uncomplicated AH. Blood culture was done in
consecutive 307 AH patients at the time of the first visit. Patients
with SAHF and control were followed for at least 6 months.
Results: SAHF developed in 4% of the patients with AH.
Bacteremia was detected in 50% and ascitic fluid showed
features of hepatic venous outflow obstruction (HVOO) and
bacterial peritonitis. Thrombus was detected in IVC in all.
Seventy-five percent of the patients who received antibiotic
recovered. Recurrence of the symptoms in five and development
of cirrhosis in seven patients were noted at follow-up but none
among patients with uncomplicated acute hepatitis (AH).
Bacteremia was also detected in 25% of consecutive AH
patients presenting with fever, with high incidence in those with
Conclusion: Bacteremia was common among patients with
AH. Clinical features of SAHF could be explained by occurrence
superadded bacterial infection that caused thrombophlebitis of
hepatic portion of the IVC resulting in HVOO.
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