Effects of Plain and Blended Indian Pan
Masala on Murine Liver
Suresh Kumar Nigam, Huthi Venkatakrishna Bhatt
Citation Information :
Kumar Nigam S, Venkatakrishna Bhatt H. Effects of Plain and Blended Indian Pan Masala on Murine Liver. Euroasian J Hepatogastroenterol 2011; 1 (1):27-29.
Chronic consumption of pan masala plain (PMP) or with tobacco (PMT) cause liver injury. Three groups of mice of both sexes consuming
PMP, PMT and control diet for prolonged period were enrolled in this study. Blood samples were collected 16, 56 and 70 weeks after study
commencement and checked for serum alkaline phosphotase, glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and glutamic pyruvic transaminase.
Significant increased levels of all these enzymes were found in mice provided with PMP and PMT compared to control mice, however,
elevation in the intermittent samples varied between PMP and PMT groups. This study has indicated the liver injury potential of pan masala
and their effects should be assessed in human.
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